
Nuestra biblioteca dispone de 2045 artículos, documentos académicos, publicaciones
Nuestra biblioteca dispone de 2045 artículos, documentos académicos, publicaciones
The BBVA Microfinance Foundation (“BBVAMF”) provides users (the “Users”) of this website (the “Website”) the following data for their general information, pursuant to article 10 of Act 34/2002, 11th July, on Information Society and E-commerce Services (hereinafter referred to under its Spanish acronym as the “LSSI”):
Registered Name: BBVA Microfinance Foundation
Tax Identification Number: G85088870
Registered Offices: Paseo de Recoletos 10, 28001 Madrid, Spain
Filing: The BBVA Microfinance Foundation is classified as a foundation with a purpose of general interest in social inclusion and aid. It is filed at the single Foundations Registry within State oversight under number 28-1454.
Its supervisory body is the single Foundations Protectorate within State oversight.
Email contact: For any queries, users can contact us at the email address:
Below, we explain the terms and conditions of use for the Website (the “Conditions of Use”). Users must observe these at all times.
These Conditions of Use regulate the use of the Website that BBVAMFF places at its Users disposal.
The Conditions of Use along with the Legal Disclaimer, the Personal-Data Protection Policy and the Cookies Policy comprise the set of terms and conditions governing access and use
When Users access and use of the Website this means they have accepted the complete Terms and Conditions of the Website and are obliged to fully comply with them. Consequently, Users should read these Conditions of Use with attention before first using the Website, and do the same whenever they intend to use the Website subsequently, as they may be subject to changes, of which Users will be advised when accessing the Website on future occasions. BBVAMF reserves the right to update, modify and delete these Website Terms and Conditions.
Users are obliged to make good use of the Website. This means using it in accordance with prevailing legislation, in good faith and with respect towards public order. Users undertake not to use the Website for fraudulent purposes, or to behave in any way that may damage the image, interests and rights of BBVAMF or third parties. Users also undertake not to take any action intended to damage, disable or overload the Website, or that may in any way impede its normal use and operation.
Users are informed that, should they fail to comply with the content or the obligations stemming from the Terms and Conditions of the Website or any other specific terms and conditions established in the Website, BBVAMF reserves the right to limit, suspend or terminate their access to the Website, adopting whatever technical means may be required for this purpose. Likewise, BBVAMF reserves the right to exercise such measures in the event of reasonable suspicions that Users may be breaching any of the Terms and Conditions of the Website or any other specific terms and conditions establish in the Website.
BBVAMF reserves the right to update, modify and delete the information contained in the Website, including the contents and/or services integrated into it. It may also limit or refuse access to such information at any time and without prior warning. Especially, BBVAMF reserves the right to delete, limit or impede access to the Website when technical difficulties arise due to events or circumstances outside the power of BBVAMF that it judges may diminish or annul the levels of security or standards adopted for the proper operation of the Website. For this purpose, BBVAMF reserves the faculty at any time to decide on the continuity of the society information services that it provides on its Website.
The intellectual and industrial property rights over the Website, including the layout of its content, the sui generis right over the underlying data bases, the graphic design and user interface (the Website’s look and feel), the underlying computer programs (including source codes and objects), and the various elements comprising the Website (texts, graphs, photos, videos, sound recordings, etc) (the “content”) are owned or managed by BBVAMF and their licensers. The distinctive signage included on the Website (brands and trade names) are owned by BBVAMF and their licensers.
Use of the Website by Users does not entail the assignment of any right over the intellectual and/or industrial property of the Website, the Content and/or the distinctive signage of BBVAMF. To such end, these Conditions of Use expressly forbid Users from reproducing, transforming, distributing, publicly broadcasting, making available, extracting and/or re-using the Website, its Content and/or distinctive signage of BBVAMF or any third parties incorporated into the Website, except in those cases in which it is legally permitted or BBVAMFF has granted prior authorization. BBVAMF reserves the right to take corresponding legal action against Users breaching or infringing intellectual and/or industrial property rights.
BBVAMF grants Users who respect the Website Terms and Conditions authorisation to use the Website, in a non-exclusive manner, during the maximum period in which the intellectual and industrial property rights remain in force pursuant to applicable regulations (except if their access to the Website is suspended on due grounds), for the purpose of Users being able to use the Website in accordance herewith.
Likewise, BBVAMF makes the following declarations:
Users RECOGNIZE AND ACCEPT the foregoing declarations made by BBVAMF and also GUARANTEE their compliance with the regulations applicable to them as Users of this Website.
It is forbidden to establish links to the Website, unless they have been previously authorized by BBVAMF. In all cases, once BBVAMF has authorised a link, it must be established under the following terms:
In the event of any of the circumstances described above, BBVAMF may take suitable legal actions.
In order to help Users find additional information, BBVAMF may include various technical devices that enable Users to access other websites (“Linked Websites”). In such cases, BBVAMF acts as provider of intermediation services, as established in article 17 of the LSSI. Pursuant to this legislation, BBVAMF cannot be held responsible for the services and content provided via the Linked Websites, unless it has effective knowledge that these are illicit and has failed to de-activate the link with due diligence.
In no event does the existence of Linked Websites mean that BBVAMF is recommending, promoting, identifying with or in conformity with the declarations, content or services provided over the Linked Websites. Consequently, BBVAMF accepts no responsibility for the Linked Websites, or their conditions of use or their privacy policies. Users are the only parties responsible for checking these and accepting them each time they access and use the Linked Websites.
Should Users or any other internet users become aware that any kind of information or content on the Website or provided over the Website is illicit, in breach of third-party rights, hateful, denigrating, violent, inappropriate or in any way contrary to morality, usage and good behaviour, they can contact BBVAMF indicating the following:
BBVAMF’s receipt of the communication described in this clause does not mean, pursuant to the LSSI, that it has effective knowledge of the activities and/or content indicated by the reporting party when this is not commonly known or self-evident. In all events, BBVAMF reserves the right to suspend or withdraw the content that, even where licit, is contrary to the standards established in these Conditions of Use, always assessing the legal goods in each dispute.
Users must know that communications over open networks are exposed to a range of threats that mean they are not secure. Users’ responsibility to take suitable technical measures to reasonably control such threats. This includes keeping their malware detection systems up to date to protect against viruses, trojans, etc, and installing the latest versions of the security patches for their browsers. They can request further information on this from their internet access provider, which can suggest suitable solutions for their needs. With the maximum scope permitted by applicable legislation, BBVAMF does not bear responsibility for damage and loss caused to Users as a consequence of risks inherent to the medium employed, nor those occasioned by vulnerabilities in their systems and tools. BBVAMF does not guarantee the total security of its systems either. Although it has adopted adequate security measures, it cannot totally discard the possibility of vulnerabilities existing. Consequently, Users must be careful in their interaction with the Website.
In particular, BBVAMF will not be held responsible for:
Nor will BBVAMF be held responsible for direct or indirect damage or loss that Users may suffer due to inadequate use of this Website or its content. BBVAMFF does not make any undertaking to communicate changes or modify the content of the Website.
Aspects regarding the treatment of Users’ personal data for the use of the Website are regulated in the document on Personal Data Protection.
Our Website uses a technology called “cookies”. For further detailed information on just how BBVAMF uses the Cookies, check out our Cookies Policy here.
Pursuant to article 3 of the LSSI, the laws applicable to information society services that BBVAMF provides through the Website will be those of Spain. Consequently, in any litigation relating to this Website or any disputes about it between Registered Users and BBVAMF will be subject to Spanish legislation.
This personal-data protection policy (“Personal-Data Protection policy”) is intended to disclose the way in which we obtain, process and protect the personal data you give us or that we collect over our website, (the “Website”) from forms and/or cookies. With such disclosure, you can decide how and whether you wish us to process your data.
The Website is owned by the BBVA Microfinance Foundation (“BBVAMF”). For further information on BBVAMF and the Website, read our legal disclaimer.
In this document, we provide information on the way we treat information that BBVAMF obtains from our Website. Please note that it does not apply to data that third parties may obtain on other websites, even if these are accessed through links from our Website.
We remind you of the importance of reading this Personal-Data Protection Policy each time you are going to use our Website, as it may be subject to changes.
The BBVA Microfinance Foundation (BBVAMF), with registered offices at Paseo de Recoletos 10, 28001 Madrid.
Email address:
BBVAMF treats your personal data with full confidentiality. We undertake to maintain your secrecy and guarantee that we will store the data adopting all necessary measures to avoid them being altered, lost, accessed or processed without due authorisation, pursuant to the legal obligations applicable to us as guardians of the personal data you entrust to us.
BBVAMF has implemented the highest levels of security required by law to protect your personal data, and maintains these levels to avoid random loss or unauthorised access, processing or revelation. We update security in line with the latest technology, the nature of the data stored and the risks to which they are exposed.
During the time specified in the form that, if applicable, we provide you with to give your personal data to BBVA, as well as the period of time indicated in the Cookies Policy.
We will not assign your personal data to third parties unless we are obliged to do so by law or when you consented to the assignment.
When we need your consent to communicate personal data to third parties, the forms collecting your data will inform you of how we may use them, which data will be communicated and the identity or business sectors of the parties to which we may assign the data.
You can consult the Cookies Policy of the third parties that receive personal data through cookies from our Website.
Our Website uses a technology called “cookies”. For further detailed information on just how BBVAMF uses the cookies, check out our Cookies Policy here.
The Website may contain links to other websites. Please bear in mind that BBVAMF is not responsible for the privacy and treatment given to personal data on other websites. This document on our Personal-Data Protection Policy is exclusively applicable to the information collected on our Website by BBVAMF. We recommend that you read the policies regarding personal data on the other websites that you link to via our Website or that you may visit from any other source. You can also obtain more information on our Links Policy in our Legal Disclaimer here.
RightContentCustomer care contacts
Access | You can check out your personal data recorded in the BBVAMF files | By email:,
Or by letter addressed to: |
Rectification | You can change your personal data when they are inaccurate | |
Suppression | You can ask for your personal data to be deleted | |
Objection | You can ask for your personal data not to be processed | |
Limitation on processing | You can ask the processing of your data to be limited in the following cases: – When the challenge regarding the exactitude of your data is being checked. – When the treatment is illicit, but you are opposed to the suppression of your data. – When BBVAMF does not need to process your data but you need them in order to make a claim or establish a defence. – When you have opposed the processing of your data in order to comply with a mission of public interest or to satisfy a legitimate interest, while establishing whether or not the legitimacy of the grounds for processing prevails over your opposition. |
Portability | You can receive the personal data that you have given us in electronic format, and also have them passed on to another entity. | |
If you believe that we have not processed your personal data in accordance with the regulations, you can contact us at the following address: Nevertheless, you have the right to lodge a complaint with the Spanish Data Protection Agency ( |
Your complaint will be processed free of charge. |
Likewise, whenever you wish, you can withdraw your consent whether or not the treatment was licit. Simply send your request to the email address, or send a letter addressed to BBVAMF Data Protection at Paseo de Recoletos 10, 28001 Madrid, Spain.